weiqi Attack the two space extension
Episode #47 - 31 December 2012 - 2 comments

Attack the two space extension By Kim Sung-rae 8p

The two space extension is a very common formation in the game of go. How to attack it? In this episode we explore some different possibilities.

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very interesting video. I always wanted to know how to play against 2 point extension. I will try :)

On 01 January 2013 by Peter

Great Video. I slacked off a little in December, holidays birthdays etc but I'm back to studying and as usual these videos are very helpful. Thanks a lot :D

On 03 January 2013 by Christos

Move 33: Attack by pressing and extend View sgf Download sgf

Move 24: White plays tenuki and takes the big point, black attacks View sgf Download sgf

Move 18: White plays tenuki, black attacks View sgf Download sgf

Move 22: White plays tenuki, black attacks View sgf Download sgf

Move 18: White plays tenuki, black attacks View sgf Download sgf

Move 16: Attack with keima with nice kosumi follow-up at move 18 View sgf Download sgf

Move 118 and 120: Attack with a pressing move and extending View sgf Download sgf

Move 39 and 41: Attack by pressing and extending View sgf Download sgf

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